address data
D-Parts GmbHBirkenweiherstrasse 16
63505 LangenselboldPhone: +49 6184-93140Fax: +49 6184-2872E-Mail :
registry court
Hanau District Court
Registration number: HRB 5071
VAT identification number (according to Section 27a of the Sales Tax Act)
DE 162644744
Managing Director
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Hassan Niakamal
Phone: +49-6184-93140Fax: +49-6184-2872
Note on Liability
Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Registered trademarks
B-Speech ®, as well as B-Speech plus ®
are registered trademarks of
D-Parts GmbH